This post was first made on 25/9/2018


Apple cider and blackberry balsamic vinegar

This post was first posted on 11/9/2017

Today I found a bucket full of windfall apples so decided to turn them into  apple cider vinegar.
Gillie's blackberries were already ripe and felt like turning them into blackberry balsamic vinegar


In September 2017 our From Spade to Plate group harvested apples for eating, storing, pressing and turning into vinegar.

Autumn is here, fresh mornings but when the sun breaks through it is glorious.

We started off  by sorting the apples. The best ones were used for storing and eating, the slightly blemished ones were turned into vinegar and used for  pressing the pears and apples to make some lovely juice. Then the rain came and we went inside to make the main meal.





The summer vegetables are starting to show signs of wanting to be harvested. I have decided to harvest the french beans Faraday  ( that we sowed on 19th June)  they were lovely and tender.

 and harvest the new potatoes (put the sprouting charlotte potatoes from Aldi in the ground in June after I had eaten the lettuces) to make space for the winter onions and garlic (later next month).

Served with a tomato, mozarella and basil salad.

This went down very well.

Tuesday, 30 June 2022


This post was first made on 27/11/2022

As today I had some left over mushrooms and newly harvested onions, I looked back with great joy and remembered the time we made stuffed mushrooms with Alice, Carmen, Li, Erika, Irine, and Sima. I have not seen them for such a long time. I hope they are well.

As I am hoping to get the 3rd cookery book published in the next couple of weeks, I wanted to put in 3 recipes that we had done before, tasted delicious and fancied eating them again.

A bit of a strange combination but a hit nonetheless.
We first made the 免费外网加速器, a gluten free recipe which went down very well. Sema our newest member who claims that she cannot cook, treated us to some gorgeous brownies. We added a cherry from the cherry jam we made last year, and a dollop of greek yoghurt. 

We also made a cheese roll wreath, 

a wonderful recipe, easy to do and great for parties when people can just help themselves to a roll (or two) We use the Lazy dough recipe and then added a block of cheese and the parmesan and italian herbs in oil to spread on top     

Our main meal was the stuffed mushrooms, if only we could have had more of them.
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Carmen suggested that instead of an empty ramekin in the middle of the bread wreath, we could have put in the stuffing we used for the mushroom; colourful and extremely tasty.

Will no doubt make these recipes more often, but for now they will end up in the recipe book.

Friday, 26 June 2022


first posted 17/6/2022

What a difference a year makes!

The weather has been terribly wet which made me harvest all the strawberries that were ready to harvest, normally I might have left them for a few more day in the sunshine to sweeten them but I did not want to risk rot, slug damage and watery flavour, so today we picked all in order to eat in the strawberry and banana ice cream as well as to freeze for later use.

The onions, garlic and spinach beet that were frozen in the last few weeks, were turned into a delicious spinach and potato curry.


The potatoes were harvested from the back garden and the area resown with french beans, Faraday, and beetroot boltardy for a late harvest in September.
The bed sit has peas in them, so we all had a little pod to enjoy as a treat. Like June said, this is what she used to do as a small girl when visiting her grandmother.


The flat bread we enriched with calendula and cornflower blossom. It did not give a special taste, but it was a joy for the eye.


We also went out to cut some of the lavender to be turned into lavender cordial. A real delight.


Terry, Sayaka, Ai, Yasmin, Hiroe, Asako and June enjoying their lunch

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